Who: Sakura and Gaara Where: Zelda's infirmary When: After this conversation. Summary: Sakura's back and recovering from Kyuubi and Can-toi for less than a day, and already pissing people off. Gaara is not happy, and comes to wring answers out of her. Psychological instability and pillow-tossing. Rating: PG-13 for probable language and almost-
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Who: Haruno Sakura & Kyuubi no Yoko Where: The building behind St. Patrick’s Cathedral When: May 9th? Late evening. Summary: Kyuubi does not appreciate being followed and makes a point of letting Sakura know this. Rating: PG? Ish.
Who: Sakura, Madara, Kisame and Deidara Where: Madara and Deidara's house When: Thursday morning, April 30 Summary: Murder and mayhem. Rating: R probably, blood and violence and all that
Who: Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura Where: The Fountain When: Tuesday Summary: The last member of the original Team Seven shows up--late as usual--and Sakura and Naruto go to greet him. Rating: PG?
Who: Deidara, Pein and Sakura, open to Tobi Where: Sasori's workshop When: After this Summary: Sasori dies. Pein and Deidara go to check on their comrade, Sakura goes to check on her enemy(?) Rating: R? Language, dead guy, y'know
Who: Sakura (strategistmedic) and Konan (origami_waltz) Where: The Fountain When: Thursday afternoon, March 26th Summary: Sakura and Konan meet for girl time. Rating: G
Who: Sakura (strategistmedic) and Sasori (artistic_repose) Where: Sasori's workshop When: Wednesday March 25th Summary: Sasori looks after young Sakura. Various snippets of interaction. Rating: G (for Grump, which is what Sasori is)
Who: Sakura (strategistmedic) and Naruto (windsawakening) Where: The Fountain When: Saturday night, March 21st Summary: Sakura and Naruto meet up for a reunion of teammates. Unfortunately both of them heard the Evil My Little Ponies riders that went after Aaron. Rating: G?
Who: Aaron (timid_werewolf), Sakura (strategistmedic), Itachi (better_uchiha) and Surprise!Sasuke (breaking_bonds) Where: Aaron's Eatery When: Monday Afternoon Summary: Sakura catches a sackboy! And after a full day of exploring she goes to meet Aaron and try his cooking. Rating: PG?